Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I Am Obamacare

I am Obamacare.  I am a thirty (30) year old, healthy male with no preexisting conditions.  I have one healthy, dependent child.  I am self-employed and able to provide for my family without any State or Federal entitlements.  My monthly premium for healthcare insurance will increase 32% and my deductible will quadruple under Obamacare.  I am Obamacare.

This legislation will cause industries to suffer.  People will lose jobs or will have reduced work hours because of this legislation.  This legislation will produce catastrophic consequences for healthcare providers.  This legislation perpetuates the growing disincentive to be a productive member of American society.  

I could go on, but I will not.  I have many things to be thankful for in life, but Obamacare is not one of them. Not surprisingly, the government is not even fully equipped to implement this horrible legislation. (Implementation probably would have required more than the 10,000+ pages of regulations instituted by the administration.)  However, when people actually see the outrageous negative impact this will have to those that provide for themselves, they will be none-too-happy.

At some point, those that work for a living are going to get very fed up with footing the bill for the "underprivileged."  Obamacare is a socialistic program; the government playing Robin Hood, plain and simple.  It was a good run America.  Thanks for nothing President Obama.      

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Permanent Shutdown

As we take on the second week of the federal government shutdown, I would like to take a moment to recognize how negatively my life has been affected without the federal government at work.

Wait.  My life has not been affected whatsoever. Zip. Zero. Nada. 

If the government shutdown has taught us anything, it is that the federal government is so absolutely worthless that their absence is no worse than their presence. Now that I think about it, their absence is probably better for the country, because they are not "working" and continuing to run the country into the ground. 

Our current Congress does absolutely nothing but attempt to be re-elected.  (This was the case for our President, but unless he succeeds in his run for World Dictator, he won't be running for office again anytime some. His presence is effectively useless, but I digress.)

These people spend so much time running campaigns, it is no wonder they cannot manage to accomplish anything else.  The amount of money they spend doing it is astronomical.  But, can you blame them?  These politicians take home large paychecks, have Cadillac insurance policies, cushy retirement benefits, and God knows what other under-the-table perks. 

This shutdown shows me that these overcompensated idiots are not even capable of intelligent discourse with people of differing opinions. Apparently, they are such mental midgets that they believe the "I'm taking my ball and going home" approach is an effective method of governing.  For hundreds of years there have been differing opinions about how the government will operate. However, these people cannot engage in the give and take of negotiation to do simple tasks, like pass a budget.  If these political leaders cannot do such simple tasks, then what business do they have "leading" our country. There isn't much leading going on in D.C., if you ask me.

I would like to think that my disgust with these worthless humans is shared by many and transcends party lines.  As far as I am concerned, maybe these folks should just pack it up and go home. We'll take it from here.