James works at a factory in Detroit, and James has a perfect attendance record at work. That is not all that remarkable, you might think. Well, James walks 21 miles round trip, everyday, to and from work, and has done so for over a decade.
Apparently, his car broke down about ten years ago, and he has not been able to afford a new one. So, he walks to work. That is a dedication I just do not see too often.
All too often, I hear people say "there are no jobs available" or "nobody is hiring." To me, what they are actually saying is "I am not willing to make the sacrifices necessary to maintain employment." Men like James are living, breathing proof that is the case. How many people can honestly say that they would make this grueling commute five days a week, for more than a decade?
James had every opportunity to make an excuse as to why he could no longer go to work. He very easily could have been another name on the welfare rolls. But, his work ethic and self respect did not allow him to quit.
By the way, other people took notice of James' story too. People, inspired by his story, started giving him rides to work from time-to-time. Another individual started a Go Fund Me page to raise money to buy James a new car. The Go Fund Me page destroyed expectations and a local car dealership actually ended up giving James a new car. Who would have thought that so much human decency and compassion could come from one man going to work?
Enjoy that new car, James. You earned it.
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